American History, Since 1900

Related Programs:
- Program in American Studies
- Department of African American Studies
- Program in Asian American Studies
- Program in Latino/a Studies
The field of post-1900 U.S. history is far more capacious than it once was. Not only does it include scholars whose work stretches into the 21st century, but “American” history now frequently includes consideration of developments extending well outside the United States, something of particular interest to historians at Northwestern. Scholars in this field pursue every aspect of the history of the United States over a period that encompasses the rise of the nation to its acquisition of global economic and military preeminence. That rise is not just a national history but involves histories of borderlands and international and trans-national developments. The “long twentieth century” also involves histories of race, nationality, religion, class, and power within a national state that is among the most diverse in human history.