Retiring Faculty: John Bushnell

Recognizing 40 Years
Recognizing 40 Years
Recognizing 44 Years
Dyan Elliott happened to be teaching about pandemics when COVID hit
The History Department is proud to announce no less than five promotions
The History Department offers a special thank you to the tireless Elzbieta Foeller-Pituch
Emilie Takayama, Harvard, and the history of instant noodles
Highlights of the Year
The department is proud of our graduate students and their resilience facing COVID. Click below to see a list of some of their achievements.
Curious to learn what your fellow History grads have been doing? Click the link below for the updates that we have received since our last newsletter.
The next Newsletter will be published in Winter 2021. In a few months, we will again email History alumni to invite you to share your news, whether relating to career, life, your History degree, or anything else. If you know others who wish to receive future Newsletters, please tell them to update their contact information via the Northwestern Alumni Association, either through Our Northwestern or by emailing the NAA records team directly. We look forward to hearing from you. |