Graduate Highlight: Semiu Adegbenle
Semiu Adegbenle won a TGS Graduate Research Grant, the Program of African Studies Travel Grants and Panofsky Award, as well as the Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA-Nigeria) Project Fund to help fund his predoctoral research in Togo.
Lauren Cole has a raft of feathers in her cap. She was accepted to present at four different panels at the International Medieval Congress UK in July 2024; she published a book review in the Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures, vol. 49, no. 2; she was awarded a place on the Kaplan Public Humanities Graduate Practicum, which provides funding for her YouTube series on medieval European medicine. And, last but not least, Lauren has won a 12-month DAAD fellowship to fund her dissertation research abroad next year.
Hazal Ozdemir has been awarded a two-year Laureate Postdoctoral Fellowship in History & Population at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.
Madelyn Lugli serving as the Henry A. Kissinger Visiting Scholar Predoctoral Fellow with International Security Studies (ISS) at the Jackson School of Global Affairs at Yale University this year. Next fall, Madelyn will take up the Ernest May Fellowship in History & Policy. The fellowship is part of the International Security Program and the Applied History Project, which operates within the Belfer Center at Harvard University. Madelyn also recently published an article in Modern American History:” Hamilton Fish Armstrong and Yugoslavia: How an Internationalist's Idea of a New State Made Interwar-Era Foreign Affairs—and Foreign Affairs.”
Zoe Senecal will begin a job in Fall 2024 as a full-time lecturer in European History at the University of Vermont. She is thrilled to be returning to her hometown.
Jojo Galvan Moro was featured in an episode of WBEZ’s Curious City on how Chicago’s Indian Boundary Park got its name. https://www.wbez.org/stories/history-of-indian-boundary-park-in-chicago/225c2684-a657-4d44-bdf6-2d39d68ed71c
Marquis Taylor has been featured in several publications and on television for his work creating the first exhibit about African Americans at the Tenement Museum in NYC. Published coverage and the TV spot on NYC’s ABC affiliate are here: (NY Times and The Gothamist) and an interview with ABC7. The exhibit has also been covered in The New Yorker.
Mary Kate Robbett has won two research awards: the Smithsonian Institution Predoctoral Fellowship at the National Museum of American History (NMAH) and the Colonial Dames of America’s American History Award. Both awards will support dissertation research.
Holly Swenson has won the 2023 Duncan Tanner Prize from Modern British History for her article "A ‘High Quality’ Deal: the Business of British Comedy Television in Australia, 1960-1990.” And as if that were not enough, Holly also recent published an article, '“The Vital Link”: British Print Media Export to Australia, 1853–1980,” in Enterprise & Society.
John Branch has received two research fellowships, the Sam Fishman Travel Grant from the Walter P. Reuther Library Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs and the Alfred D. Chandler Jr. Travel Fellowship from the Business History Initiative at Harvard Business School. Both support John’s dissertation research. John also won the Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award from Weinberg College!
John Sullivan received a one-month fellowship from UCLA's Clark Memorial Library to work with the manuscripts of the eighteenth-century French geologist Fleuriau de Bellevue.
Hope McCaffrey is serving as the Andrew Mellow Predoctoral Fellow in Women’s History at the New-York Historical Society.
Elizabeth Barahona received a full-year Mellon Dissertation Grant from the Institute for Citizens and Scholars.
Heather Menefee has won a Presidential Fellowship from the Society of Fellows at Northwestern University, which provides two full years of fellowship funding.
Ming-hsi Chu has a raft of good news! First, Ming-hsi was awarded Buffett Institute's Global Impacts Graduate Fellowship for 2023-2024. Second, he attended the Max Planck Institute's Chinese Legal Tradition Workshop in summer 2023. Finally, Ming-hsi presented a paper, "From Tax Farming to Fiscal Miracles: The CCP's Legal Strategies for Tax Collection in China, 1931-1952," at the 17th Annual Conference of the European China Law Studies Association (ECLS) in September 2023.
Aisha Valiulla won the Outstanding Graduate Student Teacher Award for all of Weinberg College for 2022-2023.
Mian Chen presented “Farewell to Revolution: Radical Leftist Cultures and the Colonial Government’s Responses in Hong Kong (1949-1952)” at the American Historical Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, January 2023. Mian also won a research grant from the Library of Congress, The Asian Division Florence Tan Moeson Research Fellowship.
Anqi Pan won a dissertation fellowship from the Sexualities Project at Northwestern.
Charlotte Rosen won the Graduate Student Paper Prize from the Law and Society Association for her paper, "Harris v. Philadelphia and the Dilemma of Mass Imprisonment in Law and Order Philadelphia, 1986-2000.”
Maria Katsulos won funding from the Sexualities Project at Northwestern (SPAN) for archival research in the UK. She also presented a paper, "Queer Masculinities and Gender Performance in Jacobean Portraiture,” at the North American Conference on British Studies in Baltimore in November.
Bogdan Pavlish published an essay, "Wandering Thoughts on Wandering Histories,” in Ab Imperio, vol. 2023 no. 1, 2023, p. 99-106. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/imp.2023.0008.
Semiu Adegbenle won a TGS Graduate Research Grant, the Program of African Studies Travel Grants and Panofsky Award, as well as the Institut Français de Recherche en Afrique (IFRA-Nigeria) Project Fund to help fund his predoctoral research in Togo.
Morgan Barry published an article, “`SUBJECT’s Wife': The Racialized Gender Logics of Anticommunism and State Surveillance,” in Signs 48 (2023), https://doi.org/10.1086/724246.
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