Prize-winning Teachers

Great teaching is at the heart of who we are.
Great teaching is at the heart of who we are.
The History Department was delighted to host Professor Nik Wachsmann this spring as the Theodore Zev and Alice R. Weiss - Holocaust Educational Foundation Chair in Holocaust Studies.
The Cuban historian Julio César Guanche Zaldívar was in residence in the department during the Spring Quarter as the Roberta Buffett Visiting Professor of International Studies.
Professors Ken Alder and Lauren Stokes were named Kaplan Scholars for 2019-20!
Scott De Orio was awarded the 2019 John D’Emilio LGBTQ History Dissertation Award for his work “Punishing Queer Sexuality in the Age of LGBT Rights” by the Organization of American Historians in Spring 2019.
Teng Li will be our second Chabraja Postdoctoral Fellow In Public Service!
We applaud the Class of 2019’s outstanding thesis writers, pictured here with Prof. Paul Ramírez who led the 2018-19 thesis seminar. Congratulations are also in order for our undergraduates who won awards and fellowships for their historical research and writing in 2018-19!
The History Department awarded sixteen doctorates in 2019, including Perkin Prize co-winners Alvita Akiboh and Aram Sarkisian. Congratulations to all of our newly-minted History PhDs!
In April, Laura Hein was awarded the Harold H. and Virginia Anderson Chair of History for her scholarly contributions.
What have department faculty been up to? Click below to find out!
The department is proud of the accomplishments of our graduate students. Click below to see a list of the public recognitions won by our graduate students.
Frank Joranko and Jessica Schwalb are two of our most recent alumni!
Curious to learn what your fellow History grads have been doing? Click the link below for the updates that we have received since our last newsletter.
We are grateful to our generous donors from recent years!
Write us to share your own tidings, whether relating to career, life, your History degree, or whatever you’ve been up to. Please remember to include your graduation date and degree. If possible, news submissions should be 50 to 100 words. Please send your news to Eric West with the subject "For the History e-Newsletter"; we will share it in our next newsletter. |