Sara M. B. Simon

- Field(s): United States
- Specialization: History of Science, Technology & Medicine
- Advisor(s): Susan J. Pearson
Sara M. B. Simon is a Ph.D. student in history and a Mellon Cluster Fellow in Science Studies. Her research is in the history of vital statistics production, looking specifically at themes of data labor, hidden infrastructure, and the politics of automation. Sara holds a B.A. from Wellesley College (2013) and an M.S. from the Illinois Institute of Technology (2024).
Between undergrad and graduate school, Sara worked as a newsroom software engineer and investigative data reporter. Working largely behind the scenes, she built platforms for special projects and research tools for journalists. Her bylined work focused on government technology, as well as state efforts to collect data.
Over the past decade, Sara has presented her research and work at a wide variety of academic, technology, and journalism conferences. In 2024, she joined the council of the Midwest Junto for the History of Science.