Mariana Charry Esguerra

- Field(s): Latin America
- Specialization: Colonial, Imperial and Diasporic History; Religious History
- Advisor(s): Paul Ramírez
Mariana is a doctoral student in Latin American History and a Research Fellow in the Science Studies cluster. She specializes in the history of the South American lowlands during the long eighteenth century, focusing on the provinces of Mojos and Chiquitos in present-day Bolivia. Her research explores the interconnections between sound, music, labor, and indigenous knowledge in the frontier regions of the Iberian empires.
Mariana holds a B.A. in Literary Studies from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and an M.A. in Anthropology from the Universidad de Los Andes, both in Bogotá, Colombia. Prior to her graduate studies, she served as a lecturer in the Literature Department at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and taught literature and social studies in various high schools in Bogotá.