Jose Galvan Mora

- Field(s): United States
- Specialization: Public History; Urban History
- Advisor(s): Geraldo L. Cadava
Jojo Galvan is a scholar of cities, suburbs, and material culture. His academic work is inspired by his experiences growing up in Chicago and the suburbs of Detroit. His dissertation focuses on how Latino/a/x communities persisted amidst corruption and racism in Cicero, IL, and how their presence continues to shape policy and the built environment and uses Oral History as a method to historically empower individuals to both challenge and adequately see themselves reflected in the historical record. Beyond Northwestern, Jojo is a celebrated Public Historian, having held appointments in the curatorial departments in both the Chicago History Museum and the UIC College of Nursing's Midwest Nursing History Research Center, where he has worked on developing more equitable methods for community engagement, and on deploying the Digital Humanities as a vehicle for radical inclusion.