Catherine Perez

- Field(s): Early Modern Europe, Medieval Europe
- Specialization: Gender & Sexuality History; Political & Policy History; Religious/Urban History
- Advisor(s): Scott Sowerby
Catherine is a PhD student and a Mellon Cluster Fellow in British Studies studying 17th century English radical religion, popular politics, witchcraft, and print culture. She received her B.A. from the University of Florida and an M.A. in History from the University of Alabama. Her master's research analyzed witchcraft rhetoric in anti-Quaker polemic during the English Revolution in the 1650s, showing how adaptive discoures are shaped through rhetorical techniques within print. Catherine intends to expand on this research to explore how antinomian and subordinated groups carved out a space for themselves in the contentious and fluctuating social, political, and religious spaces of mid-to-late 17th century England. In her spare time, Catherine enjoys collecting board games, crocheting, and trying new hobbies. She has most recently dipped her toes into kombucha-making.