Ming-hsi Chu

- Ming-hsiChu2026@u.northwestern.edu
- Field(s): East Asia
- Specialization: Modern China; Comparative Legal History
- Advisor(s): Melissa Macauley
Ming-hsi Chu is a Ph.D. student in history at Northwestern University. He received his B.A, LL. B, and LL. M. from National Taiwan University. He is qualified for the Taiwan bar with some practical experience in Taiwan and Japan. His research field includes modern East Asian history, the history of international law, and comparative legal history. Before coming to Northwestern, he wrote a master thesis focusing on China's B/C class war crime trials after World War II. He used both international organizations and national archives to see how the concepts in international law gradually became different when transmitting from the center to the periphery. He also published a book review on Martti Koskenniemi's The Gentle Civilizer of Nations in Taiwan International Law Quarterly, which is the first review in Chinese. Ming-hsi's dissertation project focuses on the history of Chinese tax law, aiming to explain how the People's Republic of China achieved fiscal capacity within three years of its establishment. Please find Ming-hsi's working papers on his SSRN.
- Ming-Hsi Chu, Book Review: Koskenniemi, The Gentle Civilizer of Nations, 13(1) Taiwan International Law Quarterly 169-175 (2016) (in Chinese).
- Ming-Hsi Chu, The Republic of Formosa (1895): A Study on the Concept of Republic in Nineteenth-Century China, forthcoming 39 Shi-Yi(史繹) (Reviewed; in Chinese).