Eunike G. Setiadarma

- Field(s): Southeast Asia
- Specialization: Modern Indonesia
- Advisor(s): Haydon Cherry
Eunike studies intellectual history and history of emotions in twentieth century Indonesia and Southeast Asia. Their current research focuses on the modern conceptualisation of community and care "from below" by reading popular magazines, household manuals, and cookbooks. Nike is an Arryman Scholar and part of the Equality Development and Globalization Studies of Buffet Institute. They previously received B.Sc. in International Relations from Universitas Katolik Parahyangan and M.Sc. in International Development from University of Manchester. With their best friend, Perdana Roswaldy, Eunike published independent bilingual e-zine Terminal Bus. Eunike will also occasionally write reviews on manga, anime, and Indonesian literature. You can follow research and writings on their blog.