Erika Revelo

- Field(s): Latin America
- Specialization: Economic & Labor History; Political & Policy History; Religious History; Urban History
- Advisor(s): Lina Britto
Erika Revelo is a first-year doctoral student in Latin American History and a Mellon Cluster Fellow in Latin American and Caribbean Studies. For her PhD she is interested in the intersection between Colombian internal displacement and urban development.
Before coming to Northwestern, she earned a B.A, a Licenciatura and an M.A in History at Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). Her undergraduate honors and master's theses focus on Costa Rican social security crisis and reform during the 1980s and first half of the 1990s decade, paying close attention to institutional change and actors’ role. In 2019, she participated in the project “Memorias de Puente Mulas” commissioned by the Municipality of Belén which explored how residents took social and cultural ownership of this urban territory. In 2023, she conducted research at the Central American Historical Research Center (CIHAC) of the UCR which analyzed the institutional birth of formal labor and the rise of informal labor in Costa Rica. She also taught UCR core classes for first-year students: History of Culture and Academic Research.
Revelo, E. (2022). Entre la autonomía y la subordinación: el papel de la Junta Directiva de la CCSS ante el reformismo neoliberal (1986-1990). En D. Díaz & R. Viales (Eds), COVID-19 e Historia en Costa Rica (pp. 227-267). San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central (CIHAC).
Revelo, E. (2022). “Debemos abrir los puertos a los grupos privados, pero no para que vengan y se lleven todo”: diseño e implementación del cooperativismo médico en Costa Rica (1986-1990). Anuario de Estudios Centroamericanos 48.
Revelo, E., Alvarado, G., y Bonilla, D. (2022). Territorio como patrimonio: el caso de Puente Mulas en Belén, Costa Rica, Revista Pensamiento Actual, 22(39), 73-86.
Revelo, E. (2021). Políticas de salud y COVID-19. En I. Molina y D. Díaz (Eds.), El gobierno de Carlos Alvarado y la contrarrevolución neoliberal en Costa Rica (pp. 163-172). San José: Universidad de Costa Rica, Centro de Investigaciones Históricas de América Central.