Brooklyn Hortenstine

- Field(s): Modern Europe
- Specialization: History of Science, Technology & Medicine; Legal & Criminal History; Political & Policy History
- Advisor(s): Benjamin Frommer
Brooklyn is a Ph.D. student in the Department of History She is interested in the history of People with Disabilities in twentieth century Europe, having extensively written and researched topics such as eugenics, post-war justice, and the Independent Living Movement in the German-speaking world.
Brooklyn holds a bachelor's and a master's degree in history from Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee, as well as a master's in Comparative History from Central European University in Vienna, Austria. Her master's thesis at CEU focused on the inclusion and exclusion of People with Disabilities in Germany from 1945 to 1989, prior to the formal passage of disability rights. Currently, she is researching the role of grassroots organizations in Nazi Germany. Her work is particularly focused on the role and establishment of the Reichsbund for the Physically Disabled. Outside of her research, Brooklyn enjoys reading and creative writing.