Harris Hall Renovation Tour

Join Department Chair, Professor Deborah Cohen as she gives you a tour around Northwestern University's History Department building, Harris Hall.
Amid the hectic days at the History Department, it’s often difficult to think beyond the day-to-day. But as I prepare to finish my term as chair – and to hand the skeleton key to Harris Hall to Kevin Boyle – I wanted to thank our alumni for reminding me of the long view.
Join Department Chair, Professor Deborah Cohen as she gives you a tour around Northwestern University's History Department building, Harris Hall.
In Fall 2022 the Chabraja Center welcomed new Director Amy Stanley, an award-winning historian of Japan, whose energy and enthusiasm is propelling the Center in new directions.
During the upcoming 2023-24 academic year, we will be offering a special, application only, two-quarter undergraduate seminar on “The Historian’s Craft.” In this seminar, the Sanders Scholars will engage with the problems that historians are facing ...
Check out what our faculty have been doing!
Undergraduates obtained the opportunity to participate in workshops and peer reviews ... and go through, as one undergraduate put it, the "biggest academic undertaking of our lives." Read about students' projects here.
The History Department's administration team is pleased to introduce four new staff members, plus History's student aide.
Carolina Stutz has recieved the Franklin N. and Lee L. Corbin Prize from Weinberg College. Laurisa Sastoque, this year’s Senior Marshall, has also been selected as a Gates Cambridge Scholar at Cambridge University.
Graduate student Ruby Daily writes about her experience as CCHS postdoctoral fellow/Assistant Editor at Public Books.
Now, please join us in celebrating all our fellow Graduate news and accomplishments.
With a few stunning pictures from her travels, Graduate student Aoi Saito writes about the mutual-aid networks that Tokyo prostitutes formed in mid-twentieth century Japan.
We’re delighted that Prof. Kennetta Hammond Perry has joined the History Department as a courtesy appointment.
On Friday, March 10th, 2023, The Chabraja Center for Historical Studies (CCHS) and The History Department celebrated faculty's recently published books. Read about how it went and enjoy pictures, too.
A Faculty Workshop with Washington Post’s Made by History Editor ... Brian Rosenwald is building bridges between academia and the media one historian at a time.
One last note before you go.
The next Newsletter will be published in Spring 2024. In several months, we will again email all History alumni to invite you to share your news related to career, life, your History degree, or anything else. Thank you in advance! If you know others who wish to receive future Newsletters, please tell them to update their contact information via the Northwestern Alumni Association, either through Our Northwestern or by emailing - ONsupport@northwestern.edu Read the Alumni page for more information. We look forward to connecting with you. |