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History at Northwestern

Northwestern Department of History students in class

Our world-class department owes its reputation to outstanding faculty dedicated to teaching and research, as well as engaged students who take advantage of learning opportunities in and beyond the classroom.

The History undergraduate program teaches over 4,500 students each year, and the PhD program has over 110 students in residence.


Cakes and Classes is a fantastic opportunity for students to connect with the faculty, learn more about our course offerings, and eat a whole lot of cake! Enjoy our Cakes and Classes video.

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Historical Studies


The Chabraja Center for Historical Studies (CCHS) promotes broad scholarly engagement with historical materials.


CCHS Website

Upcoming Events

Cakes and Classes

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM, Evanston

Join us for historically-themed cake and chat with faculty members about their upcoming Winter courses! This is one of History's most p...

Graduate/Faculty Lunch

12:30 PM - 1:45 PM, Evanston

Graduates - Join lunch with your fellow History graduate students and faculty. If this will be your first time all you really need know...

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Latest News

Prof. Amy Stanley awarded the Orrington Lunt Professorship
Prof. Rose Miron named Newberry Library’s Vice-President for Research and Education
Sarah Maza's article in November Issue of Past and Present
Prof. Kate Masur Awarded the John D. MacArthur Chair
Prof. Doug Kiel Quoted in the New York Times on Biden's Apology to Native Americans

All News